Foil and Wand Assembly


Use silicone spray on the threads in the rods, and on the rectangular aluminium pieces (where they slide against the foil verticals). This will make disassembly a lot easier.

Mainfoil: insert pin before tightening nut at the top to keep things lined up, if you don’t do this, pin will not go into final sailing position - through multi-hole blocks. Tighten the whole setup firmly. The tension is what holds the system together.

Wand: Add a wrap of white electrical tape at the top of the wand. Prevents it from being accidentally pulled down too far. Mark the electrical tape with a sharpie to indicate direction of the paddle.

Set the bungee - NARRATIVE NEEDED

Rudder: the long hold-down line must go through the eye at the side of the rudder and the eye on the tiller.

After Assembly

The safe position of the foil hold-up clip is between the foil vertical and the horizontal flap. If you put the foil hold-up clip under the horizontal flap, you can end up with damage on the foil flap -- the rod can perforate it.

For sailing -- start with the main foil pin in the middle hole, and the rudder rake set also to the middle of its range. Work with your body positioning (fore, aft) to get started with your first flights.